30 Tips to Boost your Creative Confidence and Thrive as Creative.

30 tips to creative confdence and thrive as a creative E-Book

These key steps will help you keep on track, keep showing up, and feeling super satisfied with your creativity whether you are just starting, a passionate hobbyist, or powerhouse professional.

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Kind words from lovely people.

“Straight away after reading through I set up a creative corner and sat for 2-3 hours being creative and loved it.”
“I finally let go of perfectionism and wasn’t too precious about what I was making, I was really pleased with the results.”
“Really helpful tips, thank you.”
"Thank you for the really great tips, such a brilliant idea. I will be more mindful when I am painting now!"
“The book came across really well, thank you.”
“These are inspiring tips, I keep them with me all the time.”
"I printed it out straight away and have it next to my desk as I work. When I need inspiration I have a read through and it helps me feel motivated again."
“This is brilliant Angela, just downloaded it and enjoyed reading your great tips, thanks.”
"It's so so good!"